Managed IT Services - HIPAA.

HIPAA Compliance

IT is a critical part of HIPAA compliance. We know what it takes to maintain HIPAA standards — because we are fully HIPAA compliant ourselves.

Remove the Complications

If you're trying to address HIPAA on your own, chances are you are dealing with confusing regulations and no clear place to start.

We can address your requirements, keep your business safe, and help you stay compliant year after year.

HIPAA Roadmap

We can provide you a personal Compliance Coach to walk you through each step of the regulation and answer your questions as you go.
Managed IT Services - HIPAA Roadmap.
Uncover every single software and hardware inefficiency
Adopt the best possible technology, complete with training and support

Don't Take Our Word For It

We've earned Compliancy Group's HIPAA Seal of Compliance by verifying that all of our internal security procedures are aligned with HIPAA regulations.

We can walk you through the process to achieve your own Seal of Compliance, giving you peace of mind and showing your customers that their PHI is safe in your hands.
Managed IT Services - HIPAA.
“Our healthcare clients are a huge part of our vision for the future and we go the extra mile to ensure their compliance standards are always met.”
Jeff Simmons, CEO

Are you tired of worrying about HIPAA?

Let us simplify compliance for you.

Reach out to learn more about our HIPAA services.

Call us at 864 979 4357 or ask us a question below.

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